The key to winning halls
yea, so while doing halls it dawned on me. All the top hoh teams must have....a mender. So with this newly found information, we proceeded to find the greatest mender the guild wars has ever seen. We looked long and for great minutes to find one who was worthy of such a skill bar. And what we found, has to be the greatest hoh mender in guild wars ever. So what is the name of this champion of the monks? Bunrt Biscuts. His power was so great that his skill bar included
Mending, Blessed signet, vengeance, healing breeze, word of healing, firestorm, meteor shower, and signet of capture (because we all know that you can capture elite skills from dead zaishin)
At first we were not sure if he would be able to play such a great task as the mender, but when we entered the battle, he proved us wrong.
We knew he had to be the greatest player ever, and for a short time, he was really shining out above all the other menders in the game. When it came time for our spike, he really proved to us that he belonged here.
But then....things went wrong, suddenly he notified us that his energy was getting low, and that our upkeep would be gone, as well as our mending. Things took a turn for the worst as our team fell apart. After that point, we were all dissapointed, because after all the time that we searched for a worthy mend/spiker, he was not after all.
So there you have it, the key to winning halls lies within brilliantly experienced players such as the mend-spiker. How this new found information will be used is entirely up to the reader.